WebDoc-003  Email Address Updates 
Note – any dim text (gray) is back office, and not necessarily important at the counter. 
Note – any yellow highlight is a recent update. 
Process Summary: 
Updating and or fixing a master record email address. 
Most Important Points: 
Watch for R Entry red flags that are email address problems 
While the person is at the counter... get the person's correct email address 
Be sure to clear the error flag in CONTRACT RESTRICTIONS once updated
At the counter, recognize when an email address is bad 
Notice on R Entry, top of screen, the  "Check Red Flags"  message 
When flagged, go to the bottom of R Entry, and see what the problem is 
If the flag is due to a bad email address, tell the person that we have recently emailed them, but their email address failed 
Ask the person if we can get an update to their database information 
Give them our printed personal data form to update... not only their email address, but all their database info 
Set the finished form aside to enter later
Finish whatever their current business transaction is  (ie R Entry sale) 
After the fact, enter any new (or updated) data from their personal data form 
Enter all of the data to their Master record
Be careful to enter their email address just as it is written 
Once their email address is updated, 
go to the column "Contact Restrictions", and clear the error flag  (select the pull down   "..email fixed" )